[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h2″ icon=””]Passion. Quality. Performance.[/feature_headline]
[column type=”one-third” fade=”true” fade_animation=”in-from-left” fade_animation_offset=”45px”]
For our clients, the value of internal controls and the profession of internal audit.[/column]
[column type=”one-third” fade=”true” fade_animation=”in-from-bottom” fade_animation_offset=”45px”]
In everything we do for our clients.[/column]
[column type=”one-third” last=”true” fade=”true” fade_animation=”in-from-right” fade_animation_offset=”45px”]
Our team brings their “A-Game” for every client.[/column]
[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h3″ icon=””]Risk Advisory Services[/feature_headline]
Hunt Risk Solution Partners provides a wide variety of personalized Risk Advisory Services for organizations of all sizes and industries. Our solutions are custom tailored by our professional team of subject matter experts to fit your unique governance, risk and compliance requirements across your operations using time tested techniques and methodologies aligned with industry and regulatory standards and best practices.
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Steve Hunt, Founder and President
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Steve Hunt has 30 years experience in the fields of External and Internal Audit. Mr. Hunt is a strategic thought leader and practitioner with a track record of successfully managing Risk Advisory Services in both Big 4 accounting firms and second -tier firms. By leveraging his unique combination of financial, IT and operational audit expertise, Mr. Hunt has designed and deployed internal audit solutions that significantly improved accuracy and streamlined compliance workloads for organizations of all sizes across multiple industries.
In addition to client service delivery, Mr. Hunt has been instrumental in helping move the Internal Audit profession forward by serving as a thought leader in a volunteer capacity with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Mr. Hunt has served as Chair of the Advanced Technology Committee (ATC), Vice-Chair of the Professional Issues Committee (PIC) and currently serves as a member of the Committee of Research and Education Advisors (CREA). As a volunteer with the IIA, Mr. Hunt has co-authored three Global Technology Audit Guides (GTAGs)
“¢ Auditing Application Controls
“¢ Developing the IT Audit Plan
“¢ Auditing IT Governance
Over his career, Mr. Hunt has presented on a variety of internal audit and compliance topics for organizations such as the IIA, ISACA and Compliance Week.[/container]